Joe DiNapoli - Charting the Path for Trading Excellence through the use of Leading technical indicators.
Effective from 1 minute to yearly time frames on all liquid instruments
Meet Joe DiNapoli
Introduction Videos

Discover the Power of Precision in Trading
Unlock the potential of your trades with Joe DiNapoli's cutting-edge leading indicators. Crafted from extensive market analysis and decades of research, these tools are designed to help you anticipate market movements not simply follow them. Learn from Forums that have been in existence for over 25 years. This is unparalleled educational experience.
Learn our best trading techniques with expert guidance
Learn how to trade multi-timeframe, leading indicator, trend capturing techniques and explore the more advanced techniques of directional trading with our proprietary leading indicators.
DiNapoli Expert Mentors

Pieter van Wyk
South Africa

Jason Zeng

Piotr Grela

Monchai Kongthanapakdi

Joseph Auxano

Pawel Besler

Lawrence Smart
Joe DiNapoli Bio
Company Philosophy
Coast Investment Software, Inc. is a small, innovative company, run by traders for traders. Our success is due to the quality of our products and services and word of mouth exposure, not slick ad campaigns. Coast’s philosophy is to provide unique and effective trading software to a small group of serious traders. We also provide high quality teaching and instructional materials to both novice and seasoned traders alike.
Joe DiNapoli
Joe is a veteran trader with over 55 years of solid market trading experience. He is also a dogged and thorough researcher, an internationally recognized lecturer, and a widely acclaimed author. Unlike some of the academics and theorists who purport to know the markets, Joe actively trades daily from wherever he is in the World.
He has stood the test of time… Joe traded the nifty-50 in seventies. He traded bonds with interest rates of 18%. He predicted the 500 point fall in October 1987, and traded the markets on the open after 9/11. He has been trading the S&P futures contract in America since they opened in 1982 and the Value line index before that.
Joe’s exhaustive investigations into Displaced Moving Averages, his creation of the proprietary Oscillator Predictor and MACD Predictor, and in particular, his practical and unique method of applying Fibonacci ratios to the price axis, makes him one of today’s most sought after experts.
Joe, was a registered CTA for over 25 years, has taught his techniques in the major financial capitals of Europe, Asia, Russia, the Middle East, and South Africa as well as in the United States. In 1996 alone Mr. DiNapoli gave presentations to capacity audiences in over 23 financial centers around the globe. His articles have appeared in a wide variety of technical publications across the nation and worldwide. He was a contributing author to many publications over the years and has authored the “Fibonacci Money Management and Trend Analysis In Home Trading Course” which has been lauded by professional and novice traders alike. His most significant work to-date is the book “Trading with DiNapoli Levels”, which has become the industry standard for students of Fibonacci trading techniques. The book has been translated into 12 languages to date.
The “Atlanta Constitution” cited Joe’s work by referring to the “magical power” of Fibonacci ratios in the market place. Joe has used this magic time and again on national TV to make both startling and uncannily accurate market predictions, particularly in stock market indexes and interest rate futures.
As president of Coast Investment Software, Inc. Joe continues to develop and deploy “high accuracy” trading methods, using a combination of leading and lagging indicators in unique and innovative ways. He conducts a limited number of speaking engagements each year. His “DiNapoli Experts” also teach Joes Techniques in private seminar settings world wide.
Pieter van Wyk Bio
I have always had an interest in the markets. My first trade took place in 2000 during my University studies when I bought out of the money options 2 days from expiry not knowing what they were, I quickly learned…
From there the learning curve started. In 2003, after receiving my Bachelor degree in Economics, I actively became involved in the markets trading full-time for a local brokerage firm focusing primarily on technical analysis and moving averages. By chance I came across Joe’s work in mid-2003 and it totally transformed my trading. I studied Trading with DiNapoli Levels many times and bought everything Joe had to offer.
After attending a private seminar in Bangkok during June 2006 and an advanced seminar shortly after that, my trading really took shape, but still I know the learning will never stop…
I currently trade my own account and manage a few close friends’ money.
My thanks to Joe for all the input into my and many other traders’ lives. It is an honour and privilege to serve as Expert on this forum.
Pieter van Wyk
June 2008
Jason Zeng Bio
Jason Zeng is a trader and a financial manager living in San Francisco, California. He currently is the President of Marketflow Strategies, LLC, an investment consulting and education firm aiming to serve clients in Asia, especially in regions of Greater China.
Jason has had many successful years as a financial manager in Vantone Investment Group, Bank of America, GetRelevant, and Terra Lycos. He is the winner of the Finance Excellence Award from Bank of America as well as the President Award from GetRelevant, Inc.
As a trader Jason started his participation in the markets in 1995. He first learned the system trading methodology from a famous industry guru. After three years of system designing, back-testing and trading, he registered as a commodity pool operator (CPO) and founded Bright Futures Fund with a partner in 1998. The fund was a mix of success and failure. Jason later was introduced to the DiNapoli-levels trading in 1999. He finds that this unique judgmental trading style is more suitable to individual traders, especially himself. Since then Jason have been studying and trading with Joe DiNapoli’s method exclusively.
Jason strongly believe that Joe’s trading method makes a successful trading career possible for anybody who dedicates him/herself to learning it and applying.
He always reminds himself: keep fit, plan the trade and trade the plan. Also, smile and relax, market will still be there tomorrow.
Piotr Grela Bio
My name is Piotr Grela. My adventure with trading in futures’ markets started somewhere in 1996. I have been interested in trading financial instruments ever since I remember.
To make right investment decisions in futures’ markets, stocks, or Forex requires long enough experience. Not to mention ability for quick response in such a dynamic environment.
More then 20 years ago it all began with hedging cash positions on Chicago Board of Trade for a grain trading house. Commodities have become my financial instrument of choice. I do however trade all other liquid financial instruments as well. I am an active trader.
From the beginning I always put more emphasis towards technical analysis then fundamental analysis. At early stages of my learning curve I understood the insufficiency of typical technical analysis approaches. The whole world of analysis turned around when I studied Joe DiNapoli’s way of trading the markets. In matter of weeks, after following his advises, I started to look at charts in completely different way. Suddenly charts began telling me something much different then I realized before.
What has been very motivating was direct support given to me by Joe DiNapoli. It is a non-standard approach. We all can benefit same way from taking part in forums dedicated for learning and exchanging trading ideas. Knowing the material, I went to meet Joe DiNapoli in one of his seminars in Moscow, in 1999. I realized that face-to-face meeting has given me even more then I thought. Having the opportunity to attend one of his splendid seminars is a must for everybody!
Then in 2004 I was assisting Joe in seminars given by him in Poland when his book ” Trading with DiNapoli’s levels ” was translated into Polish.
Using Joe DiNapoli’s methods You will be able to notice turning points in markets, enter safely in direction of prevailing trend with great risk management which will allow you to manage your positions properly.
Living in Poland by the sea coast having possibilities of reading and trading markets all over the world is fascinating occurrence to me. I am pleased to be an Expert on these forums.
All the best,
Piotr Grela
- Active Trader – trading actively on the futures’ markets, stocks and Forex for more then 20 years now
- DiNapoli Expert and Authorized Trainer for over 15 years now
- Conducting Private Seminars and Advanced Private Seminars for better understanding of DiNapoli techniques
- Publisher of weekly report on the financial markets “MasterSwingNewsletter”
- Author of the book “Futures’ markets – Concepts and Trading Systems” published in 2009 ( in Polish )
- The first ever Polish Trader conducting training at the prestigious The Traders’ Expo in New York in February 2016
- Conducting lectures during MoneyExpo Trading in Prague and ForexExpo in Moscow in 2015
- The first Polish who led the presentation in November 2013 during the famous The World Money Show in London
- The first Polish conducting training at the worldwide known The Traders’ Expo in London in March 2012
- Conducting training during known in Europe “The WallStreet Conference” and various workshops organized by the Polish Private Investors’ Association
- Being regularly interviewed on various TV financial programs on status of the financial markets.
Monchai Kongthanapakdi Bio
Monchai Kongthanapakdi-DiNapoli, an expert from Thailand, is the founder of the Technical Analysts Association in Thailand and the Co-chair of the CMT Association Thailand Chapters. He is also the president of Efuturesthai Trading Academy, an organization dedicated to teaching and training Thai investors in technical analysis.
As a full-time trader, technical analyst, and investor, Monchai specializes in Fibonacci (DiNapoli Levels) and algorithmic trading.
Since 2011, Monchai has collaborated with Mr. Joe DiNapoli to conduct numerous public and private seminars in Thailand. Notably, he translated “Trading with DiNapoli Levels” into Thai in 2022.
Joseph Auxano Bio
‘Trading for a Living.’
This dream was seeded in my mind way back in 2004. My interest in the markets began with a certain curiosity, by applying academics learnt predominately with a fundamental analysis approach to the Financial markets, coming from a Finance background.
My venture into the stock markets had the worst possible outcome. I made a lot of money between 2005/06, largely due to luck and a mis-use of leverage. Claims of 300-500% returns per year were not unheard of in the trading ‘education’ business… Having experienced that kind of euphoria myself before, I can say that these one-offs although possible, will not last long. Its common for beginners to future pace their trading performance based of trading performance of ie 1 month… without taking into consideration the risks that was undertaken to achieve that return and the manner it was attained.
In May 2006 I wiped out my trading account, as my mis-use of leverage, and ill-advised approach to the markets, was found out.
We always hear claims of people making money from the financial markets, from time to time. The truth is in the long-run, 90% of traders lose money. I chose to focus on the 10% of traders that are consistently profitable year after year. I thought to myself, if only 10% of traders are profitable, than they must be making ALOT! That began my relentless search for a proven approach to being successful in the financial markets..
Fate and Good fortune has it that I met Joe DiNapoli at a Conference in Singapore in 2007. I got introduced to DiNapoli Levels, through his best selling book, Trading with Dinapoli Levels. I was moved by his sincerity and no nonsense approach in offering sound advice, wisdom that would save new traders alot of experience, money, and TIME… The first day I started reading TWDL, I immediately contacted Pat, to try to get onto one of Joe’s limited Private Seminars, knowing that I have found the approach I was desperately seeking for. That decision shaped my trading career.
My Journey with DiNapoli Levels began. Since that time, I have attended 3 basic and 1 advance seminar, thrice in Joe’s trading room, and once in Chicago, trading a small account during that period, with the aim of mastering the methodology through application, and mastering my psychology of trading the methodology.
Late 2008, after attending the advance seminar with Joe DiNapoli, where we traded live together in his trading room, I started full time trading, and have not looked back since. Late 2010, I took a 6 month trading break and traveled around North America, enjoying the freedom and lifestyle trading truly offers.
Today, I am a DiNapoli Trader, trading the financial markets full time, period. I mainly trade the currency markets, ES and some commodities.
I strongly believe that Joe’s recommended learning path, allows anyone with the right mix of dedication, willingness & persistence to give time to learn and master the methodology to have a successful trading career, having been through the learning path myself, right from the start.
I was, like you, someone that believes in chasing his dreams and have chosen trading for a living as the means, and have the good fortune to receive guidance from Joe DiNapoli early on. Having walked this learning path, I empathize and know what it takes to successfully thread this path of self discovery and learning, to becoming, a consistently successful trader.
As President of Auxano Capital, I see myself passing on that dream to others, as my way of paying it forward… to share what I have learnt and experienced, as a DiNapoli Trader, to others that will continue to tread this very fulfilling path. I am honored to be able to serve as a DiNapoli Expert on this forum.
Joseph Auxano
June 2011
– Take that step… and chase your dreams. Live it.
Pawel Besler Bio
My beginnings with the financial markets were not very favorable to me. Before buying my first shares (at the age of 27), I was up to date with market news, searched the internet for information, read books on how to properly invest in the stock markets, but on my first investment I lost 50% of my savings. At that time, my approach to investing in the stock market was completely wrong. After this experience, I was convinced that I needed to look for experienced and professional investors who were already active on the financial markets. In this way, I had the privilege of personal learning for Piotr Grela’s “Mentoring Program”. I was fascinated by the knowledge he gave me. I began to explore DiNapoli’s techniques practically every day.
In the years 2014-2016 I participated in three advanced seminars with Joe DiNapoli and two with Pieter Van Wyk.
In November 2016, I made the biggest loss in my history. It was crucial for my further development. According to Tony DiNatale, who always said on the forum “You must know your market”, I gave up trading for half a year, during which I got to know my market and tested the knowledge I got from Piotr, Pieter and Joe. In this way I discovered set ups that work on German bonds.
In addition, in cooperation with Piotr Grela, Pieter Van Wyk and Joe DiNapoli I managed to create a mini trading plan “ping pong trade”. So I loved to analyze the charts that I do it at any free time.
Joe DiNapoli’s “Trading course”, Piotr Grela’s “MasterSwing Newsletter” and “DLFF” by Pieter Van Wyk contributed to set the proper direction of my learning. These Materials are knowledge mines that I recommend to everyone.
Questions I asked on the forum and answers given by fantastic and kind traders made my level of knowledge grow and I became one of the experts.
I built my success on failures. Self-confidence, hard work, motivation and the ability to rise after failure have made my dreams come true.
My goal will be to share knowledge, and to help other traders – the way other people helped me in the past.
Lawrence Smart Bio
With a background in construction, particularly in commercial building, I understand the physical and mental toll that such an industry can take. Seeking an exit strategy from the demanding world of construction, I embarked on a quest to find a career that would provide long-term fulfillment and flexibility, regardless of my location.
My journey led me to the financial markets, a realm that has always fascinated me. However, like many, I struggled to find a profitable trading strategy. After investing five years and significant resources in various trading courses, I realized I needed to change my approach.
Everything changed when I discovered Joe DiNapoli’s groundbreaking book, “DiNapoli Levels.” It revolutionized my approach to trading and set me on the path to success. Eager to learn more, I reached out to Joe, never expecting a reply. To my surprise, he responded, and after our conversation, I knew I had to learn from him directly.
Seventeen years ago, I attended my first private seminar in Bangkok, and since then, my trading has undergone a complete transformation. Using DiNapoli Levels, I can predict market movements and identify key support and resistance levels with remarkable accuracy.
During the Covid Market Crash, for example, I accurately predicted the bottom of the AUSSIE Stock markets using this method.
Joe is still my mentor and friend to this day. We constantly discuss life and the markets, and I still attend seminars in Bangkok most years. As markets change, we must keep up and adapt. This business is very rewarding and can provide a great life.
Now, as a DiNapoli Expert, I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others. I am dedicated to helping, guiding, and advising new traders on their personal trading journey, fast-tracking their learning and helping them avoid the mistakes I once made.
DiNapoli Forum Experts

Acrux Pang

Derek Ching

Fabio Incontri

John Buski

Lubos Vugrinec
Czech Republic

The Most Comprehensive Trading Book ever Published on the Practical Application of Fibonacci Analysis to the Price Axis and Leading indicators in general.
Not one. Not five. But eighteen years have gone into the formulation of “Trading with DiNapoli Levels”.
The final product comprises over 300 pages of trading techniques with a deliberate focus on the practical application of Fibonacci Analysis to the Price Axis.
Written by renowned trader, internationally recognized lecturer and widely acclaimed author, Joe DiNapoli brings you to his life’s work in his independently rated #1 Best-Selling Trading Book, “Trading with DiNapoli Levels”.
This book has been translated into 13 languages to date…with more on the way.












International Presence
A Global Perspective in Market Analysis
Joe DiNapoli’s reach extends beyond borders, embodying a global perspective that enriches every forecast and strategy. The synergy between our real-time analysis of pivotal exchanges—Shanghai’s dynamism, Europe’s diversity, and Wall Street’s tempo—shapes a comprehensive market understanding. Our international presence is not just about breadth; it’s about the depth of insights garnered from every corner of the world.
Expert Links
Collaborate directly with Our Network of DiNapoli Expert Mentors
Within our alliance, each expert has been thoroughly vetted. Many have been with Joe for over 15 years. Everyone, understands the nuances of their local and regional markets as well as world markets. From the rapid growth markets of Asia to the established exchanges of the Americas and Europe, our experts have global expertise. They are not just analysts; they are vetted educators. Every one trades their own account. They share Joe DiNapoli’s commitment to trading excellence. Through this portal, access their years of experience with Leading Indicators. Attend interactive face to face seminars. Enrich your trading strategy with a world of experience.